Orange Week 2016

The competition to beat all others for fun, is being staged from Sunday 20th November to Saturday 26th November.

This year Orange Week will follow on from the 36th Club and Sports Class National Championships with Sunday being the change-over day and a practice day for Orange Week.
Tasks will include conventional AAT, AST and grand prix tasks as well as seriously challenging tasks with our unique Orange flavour. No two days are the same with pilots having to declare every evening which class they will fly in the following day and if they will carry ballast.
Individual and team trophies are there for the taking. Unfortunately the Victorian mob take too many of them but this year might be different! This year South Australian Women-In -Gliding have been invited to help keep the trophies in the state as the men can’t do it on their own.
Dinners will be available every evening and there is a wide range of Club accommodation available.
Early registrations will avoid the entry limit.
WGC Orange Week logo

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      General Enquiries, Introductory Flights, Weekend Flying: Bill Mudge, Mobile 0429 413 570

      Membership: Bill Mudge
      Mobile 0429 413 570

      Hire of Facilities: Bill Mudge

      Our Address:
      Sir Donald Anderson Drive
      Waikerie, 5330
      South Australia

      PO box 320

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